Good Shepherd Offering Free COVID Vaccine Clinics by Appointment


Good Shepherd Health Care System (GSHCS) is currently holding weekly vaccine events on its campus.

These events are by appointment only and only for those eligible for the current vaccine phases set forth by the Oregon Health Authority.

Vaccine clinics will be held weekly (until further notice) on Good Shepherd’s campus in Conference Centers 1 & 2, located at 610 N.W. 11th St. in Hermiston.  Community members should sign up for an appointment online. 

The signup link goes live at 8 a.m. the Monday before the vaccine clinic takes place.  Those signed up are encouraged to wait in their vehicle until 10 minutes prior to their scheduled appointment to allow for social distancing while waiting in line.  They should also prepare for 15 minutes of required monitoring after vaccine administration. Community members may call and leave a message on Good Shepherd’s COVID-19 Vaccination Hotline at 541-667-3426 with questions about the vaccination clinics.

For up-to-date GSHCS information, visit the GSHCS Facebook page or  For general COVID-19 questions, individuals may call the OHA hotline by dialing 211 from a cell phone (not a landline).

If you believe that you have been infected by COVID-19 or are exhibiting symptoms such as fever or respiratory illness (cough or shortness of breath), call ahead to your primary care provider’s office, Good Shepherd Urgent Care at 541-567-2995 or Umatilla County Public Health at 541-278-5432.  For medical emergencies, dial 911.


  1. Good Shepherd Community Hospital is a wonderful facility we are fortunate to have in our community.
    Many thanks to the responsible party(s) for bringing the Covid vaccinations here locally so we don’t have to travel outside of our area in order to receive our Covid shot(s).
    It takes a team to implement and to carry out smoothly a huge endeavor like a mass vaccination clinic so I want to send A BIG thanks to the team: The Medical Personnel, Staff Members, Volunteers, Environmental Services aka Housekeeping, Janitorial, Maintenance Departments, and Dietary. All of you are important and vital to our well being. I felt safe and well cared for before, during and after my shot. The crash cart and personal monitoring relieved any apprehension I had.
    Thank you Health Care Workers!

  2. Good Shepherd Community Hospital is a wonderful facility we are fortunate to have in our community.
    Many thanks to the responsible party(s) for bringing the Covid vaccinations here locally so we don’t have to travel outside of our area in order to receive our Covid shot(s).
    It takes a team to implement and to carry out smoothly a huge endeavor like a mass vaccination clinic so I want to send A BIG thanks to the team: The Medical Personnel, Staff Members, Volunteers, Environmental Services aka Housekeeping, Janitorial, Maintenance and Dietary Departments. If I left anyone out, I apologize. All of you are important and vital to our well being. I felt safe and well cared for before, during and after my inoculations. The crash cart and personal monitoring relieved any apprehension I may have had.
    Thank you Health Care Workers!

  3. Got it this morning. Good Shepherd’s staff did a great job of handling an enormous line of people, and it was done in about 30 minutes. Thank you!

  4. I received my 1st vaccine on Thursday, March 4th. Good Shepherds staff did a great job handling everyone and it went very smoothly. Very efficient this time around.

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