Sage Advice From the Police


Sometimes we all need a little good advice. Here’s a slew of it from Lt. Randy Studebaker of the Hermiston Police Department (from the HPD Facebook page).

Food for thought on a sunny Tuesday…

Police officers are normal folks. Just like you, we have hobbies, kids, bills, and dogs that chew our slippers. I even have a dented old pickup that probably needs a starter. If you want to get to know us, just say hello or wave when you see us around. That’s a good way to meet us. You’ll see we’re pretty average.

Here’s a list of bad ways to meet us, all from the last 24 hours (this list is not all inclusive):

  • Letting your dogs run loose. Again.
  • Not keeping your hands to yourself.
  • Crashing into somebody’s car and then running away.
  • Having a donnybrook with family members.
  • Having warrants for your arrest. Again.
  • Scamming somebody out of a large amount of cash.
  • Stealing a car.
  • Shoplifting.
  • Causing a ruckus in a business, then refusing to leave.
  • Driving like a teenager who is angry and/or trying to impress a girl.
  • Not being nice.

That’s all I have for today.

Lt Studebaker


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