Good Shepherd Health Care System Welcomes Podiatrist Kyle Duncan


Good Shepherd Health Care System has welcomed board certified podiatrist Kyle Duncan, DPM.  

Duncan joins orthopedic surgeons Jeremy Anderson, DO, and James Whittum, MD, in Good Shepherd Medical Group’s (GSMG) Advanced Orthopedic & Sports Medicine Institute.

Duncan and his team offer the full scope of podiatry care at the clinic and accept patients 6 months and older.  

“I’m excited to offer foot & ankle services in this community to give patients the option of receiving quality podiatry care right here at home,” he said.

Dr. Kyle Duncan

Duncan grew up in Kennewick, Wash., and is pleased to be back practicing close to family.  

“I completed my residency in Fort Worth, Texas, at a Level 1 trauma center that was also the county hospital for around 2 million people.  I completed nearly 1,500 surgery cases during residency and have been practicing podiatry for 4 years now,” he said.

Duncan said nearly any foot and ankle problems that arise can be treated by a podiatrist.

“Podiatry specializes in one area of the body, the foot and ankle, and I liked the fact that I get to practice many different types of medicine such as skin conditions, bone and joint problems, endocrine problems, and neurological diseases that happen to all take place in the foot,” he said. “For most foot & ankle conditions, the point you should seek care is when you experience pain, because pain is not normal.  In terms of skin conditions – lesions, spots, changes in nail color – these abnormal changes are a good reason to call us, too.”

Some in-office procedures Duncan performs include ingrown toenail and wart removal/treatments, which are two of the most common conditions that can be fixed on the same day.

“For surgical procedures that can’t be done in the office, Good Shepherd has a great surgical facility and staff right next door to the clinic,” said Duncan. “Even when surgeries need to be done in an operating room, they are almost always outpatient, meaning they don’t require any hospital stay afterwards.”  

Duncan focuses on individualizing treatment plans so that patients can make the best decision for themselves.  

“I believe in a patient-centered approach to medicine,” he said. “I enjoy taking the time to get to know my patients so that we can come up with a treatment plan that fits their individual lifestyle and needs. This leads to faster recovery and better outcomes.”

A former college athlete, Duncan enjoys being active, skiing in the winter months and backpacking in the Wallowa Mountains over the summer. He also enjoys spending time with his family, including his wife and two children. 

Good Shepherd’s Advanced Orthopedic and Sports Medicine institute is open Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and is located at 620 NW 11th St., Suite M-201 in Hermiston.  X-rays are available in the clinic.  To schedule an appointment with Dr. Duncan, call 541-289-7075.  For more information about Dr. Duncan, visit the Good Shepherd website.