Latest Charges Add to Irrigon Man’s Long History of Arrests, Citations


An Irrigon man with a long history of arrests has been jailed on burglary and other charges after the alleged crime was witnessed by a neighbor.

Russell Clarence Proctor

Capt. Travis Eynon of the Hermiston Police Department said a citizen called around 2 a.m. Wednesday to report suspicious activity at a neighbor’s house. The person saw someone moving items from the house into a pick-up truck. The caller gave the 911 dispatch a description of the vehicle and suspect and officers were able to locate both shortly after.

Russell Clarence Proctor, 45, was charged with burglary, theft, criminal mischief, felon in possession of a firearm and unlawful possession of a firearm.

Eynon said Proctor has been cited 54 times and arrested 19 times by local agencies over the years.

“As a result of this neighbor who immediately called 911 to report the suspicious activity, we were able to recover all the stolen property and arrest the (suspect),” said Eynon. “This would not have been possible if the good citizen had not been willing to call in what they believed to be suspicious activity.”