BPA Website Helps Homeowners Get Info on Energy Efficiency Rebates


Bonneville Power Administration has launched a website to help homeowners served by Umatilla Electric Cooperative and other consumer-owned utilities more easily find information about home improvement contractors and energy efficiency rebates.

ComfortReadyHome.com helps communities become more energy efficient, healthier and more comfortable through home weatherization, HVAC and water-heating upgrades. The website helps by connecting energy utilities, contractors and homeowners with each other and with the tools they need to make smart energy-efficiency decisions.

Alex Ruiz

In a recent edition, the Comfort Ready Home newsletter highlighted UEC’s energy efficiency program and Umatilla Electric Energy Efficiency Specialist Alex Ruiz. An excerpt:

“Ruiz met with Comfort Ready Home’s Northeast Oregon Field Specialist, David Olivas, and discussed how the program could help UEC and our members increase residential energy efficiency.

The program immediately began working with UEC preferred contractors and provided training that helped support and grow their business – an immediate benefit to contractors, UEC and our membership.

Comfort Ready Home helps communities become healthier and more comfortable through home weatherization, HVAC and water-heating upgrades. They make affordable energy-efficiency upgrades possible through connecting energy utilities, contractors and homeowners with each other, and with the tools they need to make smart energy-efficiency decisions.”

Visit www.umatillaelectric.com or comfortreadyhome.com for more information about available energy efficiency programs.


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