Hermiston Hires Morrow County Deputy D.A. as City Attorney

Gary Luisi, left, recently retired as Hermiston city attorney. Former Morrow County Deputy District Attorney Rich Tovey will now serve in that role on a full-time basis. (File photo)

Hermiston has a new full-time city attorney – longtime Eastern Oregon resident Rich Tovey.

Tovey grew up in Irrigon, graduated from Riverside High School in Boardman, and spent the past 11 years as the Morrow County Deputy District Attorney.

Rich Tovey

Tovey replaces Gary Luisi, who served as part-time city attorney since 1999 while continuing his own private practice.

City officials said due to the growth of the city and the responsibilities of the office, the city council determined it was time to hire a full-time city attorney.

Tovey earned a bachelor’s degree from Oregon State University and a law degree from the University of Montana School of Law, later passing the Oregon bar in 2004. He spent five years in Coos County before returning to Eastern Oregon for the job in Morrow County.

He has lived in Hermiston since 2012 with his wife and four children. Three children are still at home and the oldest is serving on a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

“We’ve really enjoyed being a part of the Hermiston community and I’m looking forward to continue that as I step into this new role,” Tovey said.