Hermiston Council Approves Annexation for New Subdivision


The Hermiston City Council annexed 7.4 acres into the city limits Monday night, paving the way for up to 35 new homes and an increase in the city’s tax base.

Robert McLeod of Knutzen Engineering requested the annexation of the property located at 920 E View Drive.

An aerial view of the property annexed by the city and where a new 35-home subdivsion will be developed. (Image courtesy of city of Hermiston)

City Planner Clint Spencer said the annexation will allow for the development of 35 stick-built homes with lots ranging in size from 7,500 square feet up to 11,000 square feet.

McLeod received approval for the subdivision by the Hermiston Planning Commission on Nov. 10.

The property has an assessed value of $84,790. Following annexation, an additional $5,000 in property taxes will be paid to the city annually.

Responding to a question from Councior Phillip SpicerKuhn, Spencer said the subdivision should bring considerable property tax dollars to the city. Spencer said a subdivision on Punkin Center with 28 lots is expected to bring in $66,000 annually once its fully developed.

“So this would be between $66,000 and $80,000 or so with a full build out,” he said.

The annexation was passed unanimously by the council.