Umatilla County Remains Near Bottom of Pack for Vaccination Rates

Good Shepherd Health Care System staff were on hand Tuesday to adminster COVID-19 vaccines. Despite a slow morning, the hospital has given out more than 10,000 vaccines to date. (Photo by Michael Kane)

While 80.3 percent of Oregonians 18 and over have had at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, the story remains very different locally.

Umatilla County’s vaccination rate is currently 56.4 percent, which ranks 30th out of the state’s 36 counties. More than half – 51.4 percent – have completed their primary series, meaning they’ve had two doses of the vaccine. A total of 14.8 percent has received a booster shot. According to the Oregon Health Authority (OHA), an average of 21 people a day received their first vaccine between Dec. 10-17, down an average of six per day from the previous week.

To reach an 80 percent vaccination rate, Umatilla County will need to have 14,471 more people to receive their first vaccine, according to the OHA.

Morrow County’s rate is at 58.3 percent, ranking it at 28th. A total of 53.9 percent of the county’s residents have completed their primary series. A total of 15.6 percent has received a booster shot. During the week of Dec. 10-17, an average of three people per day received their first vaccine, the same number as the previous week.

Statewide, 73.6 percent of people 18 and over have had two doses and 29.9 percent have had a booster shot. Hood River has the highest vaccination rate at 86.6 percent.

Vaccines are available at several locations in Hermiston. Good Shepherd Health Care System held a vaccine clinic on Tuesday with more to come. Caitlin Cozad, communications director for GSHCS, said the hospital has given out more than 10,000 vaccines so far.

To find out where to get a vaccine – there is no cost to get vaccinated – visit the Umatilla County Health website.


    • It would depend on how much contact you have with others, how good your immune system is, and how excellent you wash your hands often. Nothing is coming to the unvaccinated that won’t come to the vaccinated. . People have had the vaccines and often die within two weeks of having them. It seems the aged. When we do not have the right to our very physical body, we are sure ‘nough slaves to our government, which is suppose to do for us, not the other way around.

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