City of Pendleton Receives Full Funding for Bus Barn Facility


The city of Pendleton has received more than $2.5 million in grants, meeting the funding goals for the $3 million Bus Barn Facility project.

In May, the city received notice from the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) it was granted an award of $2,012,000 through the Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund (STIF) program. The grant funds are set aside for the construction phase of the project and will allow the city to move into the construction design phase this year.

The city announced the $2.01 million grant today during the second Public Transit Open House, an opportunity for the public to learn more about designs for the proposed Bus Barn Facility.  The Bus Barn Facility will be built on city-owned land and will solve an unmet need of having a secure facility to house and protect the city’s public transportation fleet, including four ADA buses and six ADA mini vans. The bus barn facility will include exterior parking, a wash station, office and storage space, and a break room.

In addition to the $2.01 million grant, funding for the Bus Barn Facility project is coming from:

  • The city of Pendleton previously received a $90,000  grant award last year from ODOT through the STIF program to cover planning and engineering. The planning efforts for the bus barn facility are anticipated to be completed by summer of 2022.
  • Umatilla County committed a grant of $504,966 through STIF funding
  • The city of Pendleton has set aside $500,000 in transportation funds

With the new funding, the construction design phase will begin in the fall with the facility construction anticipated to be complete by the spring of 2024. Public Works Director Bob Patterson serves as project manager.

For more information on Pendleton’s public transit program, please visit the city’s webpage.


  1. Bob Patterson? He’s a master at wasting taxpayer funds frivolous projects. When gas prices are historically high with no relief in site, he selects a site that couldn’t be farther away from the center of town. Congratulations for letting us down again. When are residents going to wake-up?

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