Elkhorn Wildlife Area to Conduct Elk Habitat Enhancement this Summer

(ODFW photo)

The Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife will begin forest management activities on the North Powder tract of Elkhorn Wildlife Area this summer to enhance habitat for elk, deer, and other wildlife species.

Public access to all portions of the wildlife area will remain open during the project, including the Anthony Creek campground. Operations will occur Monday through Friday and continue throughout the field season. Completion is expected by Dec. 31, 2022.

Visitors should be aware of increased vehicle activity, tree falling and log truck traffic and are advised to use extra caution when recreating around active project units.

Work being done at Elkhorn is part of the East Face Project, a joint collaborative with the U.S. Forest Service, Natural Resource Conservation Service and Oregon Department of Forestry. The project was identified as an opportunity to address forest health, protect state, private and federal forest lands from potential catastrophic fire while enhancing habitat for elk and other wildlife.

Located about 9 miles west of North Powder, project work is focused within the Rogers Creek watershed and north of the wildlife area headquarters. As part of the project, ODFW will treat approximately 414 acres of ponderosa pine and mixed-conifer forest habitat through mechanical thinning, fuels reduction and selective tree harvest.

Operations will provide increased forage production for deer and elk, create snags and cavity habitat while also protecting Oregon Conservation Strategy habitats such as aspen woodlands and ponderosa pine forest.

ODFW’s wildlife area staff are responsible for the management, operation, and maintenance of the property. Elkhorn Wildlife Area is part of a working landscape where livestock grazing and timber harvest assist with habitat management goals.

For more information about the Elkhorn Wildlife Area, visit the ODFW website.