Project PATH Seeking Contractor to Provide Homeless Services


The city of Umatilla has issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) on behalf of communities on the west end of Umatilla County to develop and manage the Practical Assistance through Transitional Housing (PATH) project.

Project PATH will bring together services to assist individuals and families experiencing homelessness and help them transition to permanent housing. The program will operate a facility owned by the city of Umatilla on leased Umatilla County land, creating a safe space for both overnight and extended stays with access to support services.

The RFP seeks an organization that will manage the Project PATH facility, including planning, coordinating, and delivering services. The fenced facility will include at least 12 sleeping quarters, restrooms, common areas, and office space. The selected contractor will be responsible for providing 24-hour on-site staffing and access to educational, health, and care coordination services.

Startup costs for Project PATH will be funded through Oregon House Bill 4123, and sustained funding may come from a variety of sources including the selected contractor, grants, and general funds from partner agencies.

Proposals will be evaluated by a committee consisting of representatives from Umatilla County and cities of Umatilla, Hermiston, Echo and Stanfield.

The RFP can be found on the city of Umatilla website and must be delivered to Umatilla City Hall by July 7 at 4 p.m.