Hermiston Council to Consider Supporting OMA’s Homeless Plan


At its meeting tonight, the Hermiston City Council will consider giving its support to a plan put forward by the Oregon Mayors Association (OMA) to address homelessness across the state.

The plan, finalized Oct. 14, calls for the Legislature to allocate nearly $125 million which would be distributed to all 241 cities in Oregon based on the population. The OMA is specifically calling for each city to receive $40 per resident, with small towns guaranteed to get at least $50,000. Local officials could use the money as they deem necessary based on local needs.

Additionally, the OMA is recommending cities receive money for construction of shelters and housing projects. Total amount is estimated between $125 million and $175 million.

The OMA formed a task force earlier this year to develop a response to homelessness throughout the state. Hermiston Mayor Dave Drotzmann is on the task force and supports the plan.

Tonight’s meeting is at 7 p.m. at Hermiston City Hall and can also be viewed on YouTube.