Umatilla to Hold Ground-Breaking Ceremony for Project PATH


The city of Umatilla is inviting the public to the ground-breaking ceremony for Project PATH on Nov. 29 at 12 p.m.

The facility will be built at 81535 Lind Road in Hermiston for the purpose of bringing together services to assist individuals and families in west Umatilla County who are experiencing homelessness and help them transition to permanent housing. More information about Project PATH is available on the city’s website or by calling Umatilla City Hall at 541-922-3226.


  1. I’m glad something is being done to adress the homeless ptoblem. It’s a tricky problem.
    The article states that the proposed location is in Hermiston. It is not.
    The article starts out stating that the city of Umatilla Is inviting the public to the groundbreaking. The location isn’t in Umatilla, either. Is Hermiston not inviting the public to the event? What does the county have to say about it?
    Is that nearby pond full of toxins from the old landfill?
    Is the article trying to be misleading?
    Who is the responsible party?

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