Travel Pendleton Offers Marketing Grants to Support Local Events


Organizations looking to bring a new event or expand an existing one in Pendleton are invited to apply for a marketing grant from Travel Pendleton to help promote their event.

Grant applications are due Dec. 31, 2022, with notification of awards by Feb. 28, 2023.

The grants, which have a maximum award of $3,000, are intended to help increase overnight stays in Pendleton by contributing to the growth and sustainability of local events, as well as promote, market and sell Pendleton as a primary destination and boost the local economy. Funding special events in Pendleton is one way Travel Pendleton promotes the city’s rich traditions, fine craftsmanship and legendary reputation. Travel Pendleton supports organizations that share in the passion to showcase Pendleton’s unique restaurants, world-class museums, picturesque outdoors and diverse attractions.

“The Travel Pendleton Marketing Grant is a wonderful opportunity for event organizers to secure additional financial support for promoting their events in Pendleton,” said Travel Pendleton Director Kristen Dollarhide. “These grants can support marketing efforts to increase out-of-town visitors to an event in Pendleton and further showcase all that Pendleton has to offer.”

Travel Pendleton Marketing Grants are available to both for-profit and non-profit organizations that are either planning a new event or would like to grow an existing event in Pendleton. Grant applicants are required to create a marketing plan that reaches both in- and out-of-state residents located at least 100 miles outside of Pendleton. Grant funds can be utilized for radio and/or television ads, direct mail campaigns, print ads and social media ads. Funds must be utilized within one year from the date of the award announcement.

Grant applications are available on Travel Pendleton’s website. For those with questions or who would like to discuss their event idea, contact Dollarhide at or call 541-276-7411.


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