City of Hermiston Seeks Community Feedback on Police Department


The city of Hermiston is collecting community feedback on the Hermiston Police Department through a public survey.

The Hermiston Police Department has 30 sworn officers who serve the city’s nearly 20,000 residents. The Police Department is part of the city’s general fund, which also includes departments like the Library, Parks & Recreation, Aquatic Center, Court, Airport, and Administration.

The city is seeking public input to determine how current staffing levels and quality of service line up with community priorities.

The survey is available in both English and Spanish.


  1. We have a good police department and officers. With our area growing and more people moving here, and on top off all the people who travel to hermiston from other towns.we could use more officers.

  2. It’s crazy I grew up as a kid that only had resentment for all authority figures and sadly our police officers where on the top of that list so to say I had my run-ins is an understatement, I have watched the growth of are police officers change drastically I turn the corner and see a police officer helping someone almost daily I see police officers in our community not just on duty but off duty and continuing to be great! 5 stars for them.

  3. We need to get a rec building put in place and get these kids doing something other than drinking and drugs get them to really want an education because right now we had failed our children our government is failing it’s citizens and it’s children

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