Umatilla County Hires Bentz’ Field Rep as New Emergency Manager


Umatilla County has a new emergency manager.

The county in a press release Monday, May 1, announced the board of commissioners hired Sage Delong to succeed Tom Roberts, who recently retried from the position. Delong is coming to the new role from working as a field representative for U.S. Rep. Cliff Bentz.

Sage Delong

Delong has extensive outreach, wildfire, grant review experience along with emergency management as part of his college curriculum, according to the press release from the county.

Delong has extensive outreach, wildfire, grant review experience along with emergency management as part of his college curriculum, according to the press release from the county. Commissioner Dan Dorran said the Delong will quickly establish communications with county-wide partners due to the relationships he already has throughout the county.

The position comes with a full plate of ongoing projects including an alert system, equipment/support inventories, an Emergency Operations Center, exercises and trainings, flood awareness and more. Dorran said he and his fellow commissioners have full confidence in Delong’s abilities and skills to hit the ground running.

Delong will report to Dorran and support several areas of the county’s operations from search and rescue to plan reviews to joint grant applications.