Action-Packed Day Set for Saturday


Hats off to all the local people who have worked hard to promote a healthier community and who work with our natural resources. The results can been seen this Saturday, Sept. 28 at the Hermiston High School and down on the Oxbow property adjacent to Riverfront Park.

Good Shepherd Medical Center is sponsoring a Family Health and Fitness Day at Hermiston High School from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. with over 70 venders and activities. Stop off at the League of Women Voters West Umatilla County’s booth where you can register or update your Oregon voter registration.

If you’ve never been on the Oxbow property or would like to see the location of the new Oxbow Trail, the Tour Of Knowledge will be on the Oxbow property ALL DAY Saturday as they host a SOLVE Beach and Riverside clean-up event which is being held in conjunction with other site cleanups across the state. Registration starts at 9:30 a.m. and cleanup is from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. A party for volunteers will follow at Riverfront Park.

They need some hardy volunteers to help remove litter and garbage from the Oxbow property and plan to do a litter sweep through Riverfront Park which will be the site of Hermiston’s Community Campfire from 7-9 p.m. on Saturday. For more info about the cleanup at Oxbow text 541-561-8979 or e-mail

Make a day of it Hermiston! Go to the health fair, register to vote, volunteer to help clean up or drop by and visit at Oxbow/Riverfront Park and don’t miss Hermiston’s Community Campfire, with hot chocolate and marshmallows at Riverfront Park!

Eileen Laramore