Aerial Mosquito Spraying to Be Conducted This Evening


The West Umatilla Mosquito Control District and the North Morrow Vector Control District will be conducting targeted ultra-low volume aerial mosquito control spraying with a twin-engine airplane after sunset this evening.

The application is taking place to protect the public from mosquitoes that carry mosquito-borne disease in both Western Umatilla County and Northern Morrow County.

North Morrow Vector Control District has confirmed 17 West Nile virus positive mosquito samples in the past three weeks. The West Umatilla Mosquito Control District received confirmation this week of a positive sample of mosquitoes collected in Hermiston on Aug. 12, the first this year in Umatilla County.

A total of 10,000 acres are to be targeted in Morrow County in rural areas surrounding Irrigon and Boardman. Approximately 5000 acres will be treated in Umatilla County North and East of Hermiston in the Power City area and Diagonal Road Area near Spearman and Progress Roads. Areas within the city limits are not in the aerial spray blocks and will be treated by ground if necessary. For more information, please contact the West Umatilla Mosquito Control District at 567-5201 or the North Morrow Vector Control District at 541-481-6082.