Annual BMCC Powwow Will Dance Onto BMCC Campus on March 12


The annual Powwow will dance onto the campus of Blue Mountain Community College (BMCC) on Thursday, March 12, starting at 6 p.m. with the grand entry in the McCrae Activity Center.

The family-friendly free event is sponsored by the BMCC Arts and Culture Series, BMCC Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee, and the CTUIR Higher Education Program.

Fred Hill, cultural historian for the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR), will emcee the event, which will feature singers and dance contests for Tiny Tots, junior boys, junior girls, 13 and older men and 13 and older women. The first 20 singers to sign up will receive a $20 Arrowhead Travel Plaza gift card.

The Powwow is free and open to the public to attend.

In addition, BMCC will host a Powwow 101 workshop ahead of the event on Wednesday, March 11, from 12-12:45 p.m. in Morrow Hall Room 100. This workshop will allow participants to learn about the various dance categories and hear different types of songs heard at a powwow.

For more information about the Powwow 101 workshop or the Powwow, contact BMCC Native Student Coordinator and CTUIR Liaison Annie Smith, or 541-278-5935.