Applications Available for 2015 Fair Court


The Umatilla County Fair is seeking applicants for the 2015 Fair Court and for the position of Fair Court Chaperone.

Court applicants must currently be in the 10th, 11th or 12th grades and enrolled in school or homeschool. In addition, the applicant must be a Umatilla County resident. Applications are available at the fair office and on the fair website.

Applicants for the 2015 court will be expected to prepare and present a speech describing their interest in serving as an ambassador for the Umatilla County Fair and Umatilla County in general and their personal knowledge of the fair, 4-H and FFA programs.

The fair court will represent Umatilla County not only during the week of fair in August, but at parades and other functions throughout Eastern Oregon and Washington in 2015.

The Court program requires the need for a Court Chaperone to mentor and guide the court members throughout the year. Chaperone duties require attendance at all parades and multiple community events. These events and related planning, typically begin in February with an increasing time commitment as the fair dates draw closer. All efforts are made to schedule events on weekends, but occasional evening and weekday commitments are necessary. All applicants must pass a background check. Fair Court chaperone applications are available on the fair’s website.

Fair Court applications can also be obtained at all Umatilla County High Schools and 4H Extension Offices. Applications are due to the fair office no later than 5 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 3, 2014. For additional information, call the fair office at (541) 567-6121 or (800) 700-FAIR, or send an e-mail to