Armand Larive to Host Math Competition


Approximately 700 seventh- and eighth-grade students from 85 Oregon schools will compete in Pentagames 2014, a math contest, which will be held on Friday, April 25 at nine sites throughout Oregon, including Armand Larive Middle School in Hermiston.

Participating schools at Armand Larive are Baker Middle School, Armand Larive Middle School, Crook County Middle School, Hines Middle School, Imbler Middle School, Hermiston’s Sandstone Middle School, Pendleton’s Sundridge Middle School, and Tumalo Community School.

The competition gets under way at 9 a.m. an awards will be presented at 2 p.m

There will be three levels of competition — grade seven, grade eight, and open for students in seventh and eighth grade in algebra, equivalent, or above. Awards will be presented to teams and individual members.

Pentagames Director Cheryl Klampe-Van Hess said the contest was organized to give mid-level students an opportunity to showcase their mathematics abilities.

“We are trying to showcase math achievement into events which generate enthusiasm and excitement,” she said. “We feel that competition in the academics can be just as exciting as it is in athletics.”

For more information, call Klampe-Van Hessat 503-749-1918 or Hermiston Site Chair Jennifer Cox at 541-667-6200.