‘AWS Think Big Space’ Coming to Hermiston Next School Year

The AWS Think Big Space recently had its grand opening at the CTUIR Education Department’s After School Center. Hermiston will get its own Think Big Space just in time for the 2022-23 school year. (Contributed photo)

The city of Hermiston has been selected as the latest site for the next Amazon Web Services (AWS) Think Big Space.

The new AWS Think Big Space is a collaboration between AWS and Hermiston School District, which will provide a dedicated space for students and educators to explore innovative and imaginative ideas through interactive hands-on technical education and cloud computing training.

This AWS Think Big Space will provide enhanced classrooms for students in grades 3-14, grounded in STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics) disciplines. The Hermiston School District will oversee the space, working in collaboration with Blue Mountain Community College and other private sponsors.

“We’re thrilled about this new space and excited to continue to grow the AWS InCommunities program in Eastern Oregon,” said Cornelia Robinson, Global Leader of Inclusion & Outreach for AWS. “Think Big Spaces aim to develop a spirit of innovation among children and young adults, as well as cultivate their interest in STEAM fields. With the support of the Hermiston School District, we hope this space inspires the next generation of thinkers and builders in Hermiston.”

Through the use of emerging technologies, students and teachers are encouraged to “Think Big” using their creativity and imaginations to solve real-world problems. The Spaces feature an integrated learning environment where everything from the furniture, technology, and curriculum work together to support interactive hands-on learning. In addition, these Spaces also prioritize personalized learning to engage students of all ages, interests, and abilities.

The AWS Think Big Space will be located in the east annex of Columbia Hall, across from the Eastern Oregon Higher Education Center (EOHEC). Construction is scheduled to begin soon, with the space expected to open by the start of the 2022-2023 school year.

“When our students enter the workforce, whether in four years or ten years, the horizon is guaranteed to look different,” said School Superintendent Dr. Tricia Mooney. “Our partnership with AWS for the Think Big Space will give Hermiston students a step ahead, as they learn to look at problems in more innovative and imaginative ways.”