Big Game Tag Auctions Rescheduled and Now Bid-By-Phone


Several Oregon big game tag auctions are being rescheduled from original dates currently printed in the 2020 Big Game Regulations.

The Lewis and Clark chapter of Safari Club International (SCI) has rescheduled their auction for a Statewide Deer Tag for Friday, March 27 at 7:30 p.m., (from original date of March 14). The live auction will be bid-by-phone only. Hunters wishing to bid on the deer tag should contact Jeremy Coburn, of SCI at (702) 622-7664 prior to the auction.

The Oregon Hunters Association Mid-Willamette Chapter’s auction of a Statewide Elk Tag will still occur on April 4 at 8:30 p.m., but the event will be bid-by-phone only. Those hunters wishing to bid should contact Bryan Cook at (971) 270-7035 prior to the auction.

The Oregon Bowhunters event has rescheduled their auction for the Rocky Mountain Goat Tag to Friday, May 8, 2020 at 7:00 p.m., (from original date of March 14). The live auction will be bid-by-phone only and will be live streamed by Oregon Bowhunters for the public to view.  Hunters wishing to bid on the Rocky Mountain Goat Tag should contact Wayne Endicott, of OBH at (541) 556-7039 or (541) 746-9711 by 6:00 p.m., on May 8 to register for the auction.

National Wild Turkey Federation Central Oregon Chapter’s April 4 auction of a Statewide Deer Tag has been rescheduled for May 23 at 7:00 p.m. The live auction will be bid-by-phone only. Hunters wishing to participate should contact Jason Preston at (541) 693-4597 prior to the auction.

For other remaining auctions, see the regulations for a contact and be sure to express your interest in bidding prior to the auction.

All funds raised by Big Game Auction and Raffle tags directly fund big game management, big game research, and habitat and hunter access projects. All auction and raffle tags are in addition to controlled and general season tags. Any weapon legal for that species may be used.