BMCC Awards FARM II Contract to Richland Construction Company


The Blue Mountain Community College (BMCC) Board gas approved the FARM II design-build contract to Bouten Construction Company from Richland, Wash.

The project is a community partnership between BMCC, the city of Pendleton, Pendleton Round-Up, Happy Canyon, Umatilla County, InterMountain Education Service District and the Port of Umatilla. FARM II will provide space for much-needed workforce training
opportunities, agricultural education, and a variety of events.

“The FARM II Project is testament to the dedicated partnerships between organizations in Pendleton,” said Kaley Cope, BMCC cirector of marketing and communications. “The progression of the project has not been linear; awarding the contract is one step closer to seeing FARM II come to fruition. We (BMCC) look forward to increasing our service to the region with this multi-use facility and appreciate the perseverance of project partners through multiple challenges.”

Bouten Construction will begin site preparation in the spring of 2023 with building
construction following the 2023 Pendleton Round-Up.

For more information, contact Cope at or 541-278-5774.