BMCC Recognizes Ford Family Foundation Scholarship Recipients


Two Blue Mountain Community College affiliates are being awarded the 2023-2024 Ford Family Foundation Opportunity Scholarship – a graduating student, and a full-time classified staff member.

Katrina “Joy” Holmes is graduating with her Associates of Applied Science Degree in the Administrative Professional Program. She will be attending Eastern Oregon University in the fall of 2023 to pursue a Bachelor of Applied Science in Business. Holmes is a member of Phi Theta Kappa and is BMCC’s All-USA representative. She works in the Financial Aid Office as well as the Veterans Office through the student work-study program, is a writing tutor for teens at Pendleton Center for the Arts, has her own freelance proofreading business for polishing creative and academic works; all while being a single parent of a sixteen-year-old and a four-year-old.

O’Keeya Brown graduated from Blue Mountain Community College in 2021 on the President’s List while working at the BMCC Baker Center as a work-study student. She is now employed full-time as the office specialist for the BMCC Baker County Center and is currently enrolled at Eastern Oregon University pursuing a bachelor’s in interdisciplinary studies focusing on business and writing. Brown has a heart for helping others and has traveled yearly on international humanitarian aid trips. She is also passionate about community outreach and volunteers regularly at local non-profits within her community along with her husband and two beautiful children.

“Both Joy and O’Keeya are participating in our upcoming graduation ceremony, but in very different ways” says Kaley Cope, director of Marketing and Communications. “Joy will be walking across the stage to accept her diploma and honors and O’Keeya will be kicking off the ceremony with the National Anthem.

Blue Mountain Community College’s commencement ceremony will take place on June 14th, 2023 at 6pm in the Pendleton Convention Center. 234 students are graduating from BMCC class of 2023. Of them, 158 are receiving academic honors.

For more information, contact Kaley Cope, Director of Marketing and Communications at or 541-278-5774.