BMCC’s Ramsey Signs with Multnomah University

Ramsey Signs
BMCC sophomore guard Erin Ramsey signs her National Letter of Intent to continue her collegiate athletic career with Multnomah University in Portland. Next to her is BMCC Head Women’s Basketball Coach Adam Driver.

Blue Mountain Community College sophomore guard Erin Ramsey inked her National Letter of Intent on Tuesday to continue her collegiate basketball career with Multnomah University in Portland this fall.

Erin Ramsey
Erin Ramsey
The 5’8” Ramsey, from Lapwai, Idaho, led the Timberwolves in the 2016-17 season in free throw percentage with 85%, and scored 173 points on the season. Ramsey, who has a 3.1 GPA, will study business psychology at Multnomah University. She said her time at BMCC has prepared her to move on with her collegiate athletic career and education.

“BMCC has definitely given me the skills and experience,” Ramsey said. “But I’m looking forward to being in a new place. I think Portland will be good for me.”

BMCC Head Women’s Basketball Coach Adam Driver called Ramsey a great leader who hates to lose.

“Erin has been a tremendous asset to our program the last two years,” Driver said. “As one of only two sophomores, she really stepped into the leadership role on the team, and is definitely one of the most competitive kids I’ve been around. She sets high standards for herself both on and off the court and works extremely hard to reach those goals. BMCC has been good for her – it was a good first step academically and athletically for her. Erin is an outstanding young woman off the court and an excellent student. I look forward to watching her continued growth the next two years at Multnomah University.”