Boardman City Council Renews Development Incentives


In an effort to encourage new construction in Boardman, the Boardman City Council recently passed a resolution to temporarily waive water and sewer system development (SDCs).

The resolution waives SDCs on a sliding scaled based upon the number of Equivalent Dwelling Units built. The waivers are for a 12-month period beginning Jan. 1, 2021 and runs through Dec. 31, 2021. All property owners or developers of residential or commercial property within the city limits are eligible for the waivers.

This incentive was first passed in 2011 for residential customers only, and since then the council has passed a resolution each year approving the waiver of SDC’s for all construction within the residential or commercial districts.

The council also passed a resolution to increase the fees for water and sewer SDCs, the first increase since its inception in 2000.

In other city business, the council passed a resolution authorizing the issuance and sale of General Obligation and Refunding Bonds in the amount of $20,320,000 that was passed by the voters in May 2020. David Ulbricht, the director of Special Districts Associate of Oregon Advisory Services, gave a presentation and was available for questions in regard to the General Obligation Bond sale. The bond will provide funds for purchase of property and improvements to the city’s water and wastewater facilities, including a 13-acre wastewater lagoon, a water booster pump station, an approximately one-million-gallon water reservoir, a new water collector well, constructing wastewater lift stations, acquiring land, refinancing outstanding debt, and paying costs of issuance of the bonds.

The next Boardman City Council meeting will be Tuesday, April 6, at 7 p.m. at Boardman City Hall.