Celebrate National Trails Day Locally on Saturday


With more than 250 miles of managed trails to explore in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Walla Walla District, outdoor recreation enthusiasts can find plenty of places to celebrate National Trails Day on Saturday, June 7, according to district recreation officials.

Local trails managed by the Corps include the McNary Nature Trails and the Umatilla County Lewis and Clark Commemorative Trail consisting of seven miles of trails stretching from Warehouse Beach to McNary Beach.

The American Hiking Society’s National Trails Day is held the first Saturday of every June. Walla Walla District officials encourage visitors to check out a Corps trail this weekend to help recognize the event, touted by organizers as “America’s largest celebration of trails and the outdoors.”

The district also features about 200 miles of the Northwest Discovery Water Trail for boaters on the Snake and Columbia rivers.