Celebrate Spring in Downtown Hermiston with Art Festival, Bazaar

The Hermiston Art Festival and Spring Bazaar will both take place on May 14. (File photo)

Two events in downtown Hermiston on Saturday, May 14 will feature family-friendly activities and the opportunity to support local artists, craftspeople, and businesses.

The Spring Bazaar at the Hermiston Community Center will be larger than ever and feature more than 76 vendors both indoors and outdoors from 9 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. The annual event is organized by Hermiston Parks and Recreation.

The Hermiston Art Festival takes place on Festival Street in downtown Hermiston and includes exhibits from professional and school-aged artists, a painting class, entertainment, drawings, and more. The event is sponsored by Hermiston Downtown District and Hermiston Parks & Recreation and will run from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

“These events go really well together on a spring Saturday and take place just a few blocks apart in Hermiston’s downtown core,” said Hermiston Parks and Recreation Director Brandon Artz. “This gives the community a chance to not only celebrate local art and crafts but to see what’s new at locally-owned businesses.”

Find more information about the Art Festival, Spring Bazaar, and other upcoming events, visit hermiston.or.us/Hermiston-Live.