Chamber Helps Celebrate New Subdivision in Hermiston

Bennett Christianson and Nancy Walchli cut the ribbon celebrating the opening of Gettman Hill Estates on Tuesday. The event was hosted by the Hermiston Chamber of Commerce. (Photo by Michael Kane)

Gettman Hill Estates is the latest subdivision in Hermiston with 12 available lots up for sale.

Actually, there are really nine lots for sale as one has sold and two sales are pending. Bennett Christianson and Nancy Walchli of Christianson Realty Group celebrated Phase 1 of the subdivision on Tuesday with a ribbon-cutting ceremony hosted by the Hermiston Chamber of Commerce.

“This is an exciting day for us,” said Christianson just prior to the ribbon being cut. “Behind us is Gettman Hill Estates and we think it’s pretty unique.”

Christianson said the lots are larger than typically seen inside the city limits ranging in size from a third of an acre to half an acre.

“You can have a larger lot than normal while still receiving all the city utilities,” he said.

The lots, located at S.W. Third Street off Sky View Drive in Hermiston, cost $140,000 regardless of their size. Prospective buyers can also pick their own contractor to build their house.

“That gives them a chance to design their home as they want it,” said Walchli.

Christianson said folks looking for a home have options.

“You can buy the lot and hang on to it for a while before you build,” he said.

Christianson more lots will be available in Phase II once Phase I lots have sold out.

For more information, call Christianson Realty Group at 541-289-4663.