City of Echo Plans Innaugural Oktoberfest


Echo Kiwanis and Desert Arts have announced the first ever Echo OktoberFest set for Oct. 22 at the Echo Ridge Cellars.

The event will offer evening brews, food and music entertainment, as well as family activities at Gathered Over Time on Main Street and in the city’s George Park starting at 2 p.m. The children’s activities downtown are free of charge and all kids are welcome, thanks to the women at The Vintage Shop at Echo Station, Gathered Over Time and city of Echo.

Echo Ridge Cellars is the converted granary and warehouse at Echo’s northern edge. Music starts there at 6:45 p.m. by Pendleton’s Rowdy Fix Band. Organizers are expecting local craft brewers like Hermiston Brewing and Prodigal Son. Chef Mark Gomolski is planning a “Potato Sausage” with salads and homemade sauerkraut from Echo’s H&P Café.

Echo OktoberfestFor all ages, there is a corn maze across the street and a haunted house in the warehouse. OktoberFest admission is $15 and includes three coupons (four coupons when purchased in advance) which can be applied toward food, brew, haunted house, corn maze and more. Additional coupons will be available at $5. Event coupons can be used for any of the participating Echo Oktoberfest products and services. Admission tickets are on sale at H&P Cafe, Echo Ridge Cellars, Gathered Over Time, Alexanders Chocolates, Columbia Bank, Hermiston Brewing Company, Hermiston Chamber, Hermiston City Hall Parks and Recreation and from Echo Kiwanis members.

Proceeds from this event will be spent for cleaning and maintenance of the historic St Peters Church, a deconsecrated, Mission Catholic Church currently owned by Echo’s Fort Henrietta Foundation.

“This is truly a community event that anyone can enjoy,” said Phyllis Shovelksi, event co-chair.

Echo Ridge Wine Cellars is located at 551 Thielsen Street in Echo.