City of Hermiston Offers Municipal Database


Did you ever want to know how much tax revenue Hermiston loses each year due to compression? Have you ever been curious what Oregon city has the highest permanent tax rate?

Well, now you can find out thanks to data available at the city of Hermiston’s website. Hermiston residents with a healthy appetite for data about how their city is operated and compares to others can now dig through piles and piles of open source data compiled by the League of Oregon Cities through a new user-friendly online tool.

The LOC Open Data Portal gives residents the ability to search through maps, data sets, charts, and more which the entity has compiled over the years. Although the data is limited to only the information that LOC has collected, and some of it may be a little out of date, it still offers an excellent way for residents to look closely at how Hermiston compares. In just a few clicks, you can learn things such as:

How does Hermiston’s permanent tax rate compare? 36th

Who has the highest permanent tax rate? Heppner

How much does Hermiston lose to compression? $170,000

How much does Pendleton lose to compression? $65,000

How many police per 1,000 people does Hermiston have? 1.45

How many police per 1,000 people does Pendleton have? 1.25

Hermiston Assistant City Manager Mark Morgan said city staff is happy to answer any questions residents may have about information pertaining to Hermiston, however, since the data is compiled by the LOC, those interested in data about other cities will have to contact those cities.