City of Hermiston Seeks Items to Place in 50-Year Time Capsule


The city of Hermiston is seeking items from the public to include in a time capsule scheduled to be opened on Sept. 8, 2068.

The time capsule will be sealed and buried as part of the dedication of the new Harkenrider Center on Sept. 8, 2018.

Donated items can be dropped off at the Hermiston Public Library, and items selected for inclusion will be placed on display in a locked case until they are sealed in the capsule.

Hermiston Assistant City Manager Mark Morgan said the time capsule is 14”x14”x24” and will hold a large amount of documents, photographs, and some three-dimensional items like toys, tools, etc.  Library staff, however, will actively curate the donations to eliminate duplicates, items which may harm other artifacts, and generally ensure the best possible collection of items for future Hermistonians to unearth.  Morgan said items which do not get included will be returned to the donor, but items which do get included in the capsule will become the property of the city of Hermiston.

Morgan added that it is important to keep in mind that food, plants, living things, and items which can damage other items will not be accepted.  Also consider that digital or electronic items may not be useable 50 years from now.  For example, if a floppy disk were included in a capsule 20 years ago, the likelihood of the future residents being able to read its content is very low.

The deadline to submit items to the library for consideration for the time capsule is Sept. 5.