Folks out there who’ve been searching high and low for an Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer are in luck!
The city of Hermiston is putting one of them up for auction, along with a number of other surplus items, on May 18 through Columbia River Auction.

If, by chance, you aren’t in the market for an Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, there are several dozen other more practical items that are also going up for auction, many of them from the Hermiston Police Department, including:
• 2004 Ford Crown Victoria
• 2000 Kawasaki 1000 motorcycle
• Several cameras
• Jumper cables
• Chess set in box
• Timex watch in box
• Ibanez guitar
• 2 projector screens
Some of the items were seized by the HPD, others are simply no longer needed by the city or the police department. Most of the items will auctioned off. There are, however, a couple of items that will have fixed prices and will be advertised in hopes of finding someone who is looking for them. The complete list of items that will be auctioned off can be found online on the council’s May 12 council agenda, starting on page 16.
The Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer will be among the auction items, so be prepared for an all-out bidding war.