Committee to Review City's Proposed Budget Tonight


The Hermiston Budget Committee will meet tonight to review the city’s proposed $46.8 million budget for fiscal year 2014-15.

There are several proposed increases and decreases to the upcoming budget. The overall proposed budget, however, is about $4.5 million less than the city’s current budget, due primarily to a decrease in the Wastewater Treatment Plant Construction Fund appropriation, said Hermiston City Manager Ed Brookshier in a memo to the budget committee. This year’s appropriation is $16 million and will drop to $4 million in the next fiscal year as the city approaches the completion of the Recycled Water Plant construction.

Other proposed budget decreases include cuts to the Recreation Special Revenue Fund. The current budget includes $500,000 that was used to fund the Oxbow Trail and Rocky Heights soccer field improvements, and therefore won’t be needed for the upcoming fiscal year. There are also proposed decreases to the Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund following one-time allocations in the current budget for computer software for the Building Department as well as office equipment needs. The decreases will also reflect the elimination of the 911 Communication Fund due to the consolidation of dispatch services with the Umatilla County Sheriff’s Office in July.

Proposed increases to the budget include an increase from $3 million to $6 million in the Eastern Oregon Trade and Event Center Construction Fund.

A new fund for the city’s budget is the 2014 Water & Sewer Revenue Bonds Fund, appropriated at $5.3 million. Money from the bond issue will be used to complete the final phase of the Recycled Water Plant, as well as a major water line extension from the water plant along Feedville Road to South First Street. The bonds will be paid from increases in water and sewer utility user fees which began this year and will continue next year.

Other increases of note include an additional $500,000 to the Hermiston Energy Services Fund for planned capital maintenance work, along with replenishment of its reserves.

The budget will also reflect a 1.5 percent increase in pay for city employees. The contract with the police union, however, has yet to be completed.

The proposed budget is available for review online.

The Hermiston Budget Committee meets at 6 p.m. tonight in the council chamber at City Hall to review the proposed budget.

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