Council to Appoint Enhancement Committee Members


The Hermiston City Council will appoint five people to its newly-created Community Enhancement Committee at tonight’s meeting.

The council is expected to confirm the appointments of Phillip Scheuers, Phillip Spicerkuhn, Billie Jean Morris, Debbie Pedro, and Karen Zacharias to the committee.

The committee was created earlier this year at the suggestion of Mayor Dave Drotzmann. The committee will focus on several projects, including creating an annual clean-up event, develop landscape requirements within the city limits, develop a beautification plan for entryways into the city and other high-traffic locations, and develop a public art plan.

Also at tonight’s meeting, the council will vote to vacate a 100-foot section of Northwest Eighth Street. The street, located in the Butte Crest subdivision, was originally intended to connect West Alder Avenue to future development. If vacated, the city will remove the existing asphalt and reconstruct the gutter and sidewalk along West Alder Avenue. Twenty-five feet of street right-of-way will be added to each adjacent lot to the east and west of the vacated street.

The council will also consider a grant application to pay for the engineering portion of planned taxiway re-alignment project at the Hermiston Airport.

The full agenda is available on the city’s website. The council meets at 7 p.m. at Hermiston City Hall.

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