Council to Consider Final OK of District Subdivision


The Hermiston City Council will consider approving the final plat of a Hermiston School District-owned subdivision at tonight’s meeting.

The school district proposes to create 11 R-1 lots for student-built housing on S.W. Ninth Street. Two oversize lots are also part of the subdivision. One parcel contains Armand Larive Middle School and the other parcel is reserved for future school-related development.

The council will also consider a bid for resurfacing of E. Quince Avenue to low bidder Granite Construction in the amount of $65,156.25. In other business, the council will consider a bid to R & G Excavating for the amount of $1,075,167.00 for Umatilla River and agricultural canal outfall pipeline. The project is contingent on the c’s State Revolving Fund approval.

Prior to tonight’s meeting, the council will meet at 6 for a work session focusing future goals for the council and city.

The regular city council meeting starts at 7 p.m. at Hermiston City Hall.