Council OKs Street Vacation Settlement

Street Vacation Settlement
The Hermiston City Council voted Monday night to accept a settlement agreement between the city and the owner of Auto Kool.

The Hermiston City Council voted Monday night to vacate a portion of W. Ridgeway Avenue after reaching a settlement agreement with the owner of Auto Kool.

The settlement clears the way for what is expected to be a new hotel development on the former Tum-A-Lum site near Auto Kool.

The council voted to revert five feet of the street fronting Auto Kool and 15 feet behind the building back to Auto Kool. As part of the settlement, Auto Kook owner Rhonda Sallee has agreed not to file any suit against the city over the street vacation.

The city initiated street vacation proceedings late last year to make way for a proposed hotel development on the former Tum-A-Lum property near Auto Kool. In order to accommodate the development, the city voted on Dec. 22 to vacate 15 feet of W. Ridgeway Avenue that is part of a 60-foot right-of-way west of N. First Street and east of the Union Pacific Railroad right-of-way. Rhonda Sallee, owner of Auto Kool and five other tax lots, objected to the street vacation, arguing it would substantially reduce the value of her land by restricting access in and out of her properties. She told the council on Dec. 22 that she would sue the city for damages if the street vacation proceeds.

Hermiston Mayor Dave Drotzmann thanked Rhonda Sallee and the developers for working out a solution agreeable to all sides.

“I appreciate them for collaborating for the betterment of the city,” he said. “There really was effort on both parts. I think this is a big win for the community.”

Hermiston City Manager Byron Smith confirmed Monday that the former Tum-A-Lum property has been purchased by Hermex LLC from Mitco Investments LLC.