Council to Consider Land Annexation Request


The Hermiston City Council will hold a public hearing tonight to consider a request to annex more than 50,000 square feet of land for the construction of a residential care and treatment facility.

If the city approves the annexation request, the land, owned by Good Shepherd Health Care Systems, will be leased to Lifeways for the construction of the facility. Following the public hearing, which is scheduled for around 7 p.m., the city council is expected to vote on the request.

The council will also hear about a “major addition” to a proposed ordinance regulating mobile food vendors in Hermiston.

Also at tonight’s meeting, the council will vote on a resolution adopting a written investment policy for the city that would “allow the city to provide transparency to the public” regarding the way in which the city uses public funds.

The council will also vote on an ordinance establishing an urban renewal district.

Representatives from Blue Mountain Community College will give a presentation on a ballot measure that, if passed by voters, would allow the college to construct a precision irrigated ag center in Hermiston.