If you travel on the Weston-Elgin Highway (OR 204) in northern Umatilla and Union counties, be aware of culvert replacement work that will result in traffic impacts for a couple of weeks in September.

A full closure is scheduled from Monday, Sept. 11, through Sept. 18, from the Andies Prairie Sno-Park, approximately 26 miles east of Weston, to milepost 30.2, approximately 10 miles west of Elgin.
Oregon Department of Transportatin crews will replace a failed culvert at milepost 28.7. Over the last couple of years, heavy rains and spring snow melt have flooded the road, causing damage to the highway and shoulders because water could not flow through the culvert. A new culvert will allow water to pass under the highway.
Travelers will need to detour around closure via OR 82, I-84 and OR 11. Local routes near the closure are not suitable for highway traffic.
For one week following the closure, the road will be under 24-hour flagging with single lane restrictions of 14 feet. All work is expected to be complete by the end of the day Sept. 26.