Day of the Dead Festival Set for Walla Walla


Shakespeare Walla Walla, ArtWalla, Carnegie Picture Lab and Whitman College have joined forces to create the first annual Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead Festival), taking place in and around the Gesa Power House Theatre (GPHT) on Oct. 25-26.

In the grand tradition of the colorful and vibrant Mexican holiday, this community event celebrates Hispanic culture with live music and dance, face-painting and kids’ crafts, food vendors, art and history, and even a nod to Shakespeare.

The first annual Dia de los Muertos is built around an exciting art project led by Whitman College in collaboration with Carnegie Picture Lab and ArtWalla. The Dia De Los Muertos Steamroller Print Project brings artists, students, and the community together for a collaborative art event, as giant relief prints are created using a steamroller as a printing press. The resulting prints will be displayed at the event and available for exhibition and/or sale. This event will take place during the day on Saturday, Oct. 26 on Sixth Avenue in front of the Gesa Power House Theatre in Walla Walla. A community activity table will be set up for adults and supervised children to carve their own mini-relief blocks, which can be printed on T-shirts using the steamroller.

Shakespeare Walla Walla brings in the entertainment component of the festival, with several live performances taking place throughout the weekend. The Festival kicks off on Friday, Oct. 25 with a family concert on the Power House stage featuring traditional mariachis and dance. The festival will close with an adults-only Finale Concert on Saturday, Oct. 26, and will feature more contemporary Latino musical offerings. In between, there will be dance and music performances inside and outside of the Gesa Power House Theatre, as well as a Pageant of the Dead featuring the famous death scenes from some of William Shakespeare’s most iconic works, performed in traditional Dia de los Muertos costume and make-up, produced by and featuring area youth.

Local businesses, especially those owned by members of Walla Walla’s Hispanic community or with a sizeable Hispanic workforce, are invited to create traditional Dia de los Muertos altars that will be displayed in and around the Gesa Power House Theatre during the festival. Guests can vote for their favorite altars, with the winning altars to be announced at the finale concert.

The Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead Festival) is free and open to the public. Sixth Avenue will be closed from Rose to Sumach to accommodate the Steamroller Print Project as well as numerous local food vendors, face-painting and other activities. The kick-off concert will be “Pay-What-You-Will,” with proceeds going to fund Shakespeare Walla Walla’s arts and education programming.

Tickets for the finale concert will be $15-$25, general admission, and will be available online soon. For full program details and to purchase tickets, visit the Shakespeare Walla Walla website or call 509-529-6500.