Deadline Looms for Crystal Apple Nominations


Time is running out to submit nominations for the InterMountain Education Service District’s 2014 Crystal Apple “Excellence in Education” Awards.

Nominations will be accepted through Tuesday, April 1. The Crystal Apple Awards will take place in two locations on separate dates to reflect the IMESD’s regional service areas: May 14, 2014, in the Gilbert Event Center at Eastern Oregon University in La Grande (for winners in Union County school districts), and on May 21, 2014, at the Pendleton Red Lion (for winners in Umatilla and Morrow counties).

The purpose of the awards is to recognize individuals who help to make our schools and students successful. More than 50 education staff will be honored this year between the two ceremonies.

The awards are open to all classified and licensed/certified staff in Umatilla, Morrow and Union county school districts. It is not open to administrators, though administrators are encouraged to nominate exemplary employees.

The honor may be awarded to individuals who work full-time or part-time in any capacity other than administration. The staff member must have worked in his or her current position for at least one year to qualify. Anyone in the general public may submit a nomination.

In addition to the Crystal Apple Awards, nominations also are being accepted for the Doug Flatt Memorial Leadership Award, which recognizes an outstanding administrator (such as a principal or superintendent). Doug Flatt, the late chief executive officer of Mid-Columbia Bus Company, was well-known to school districts throughout Oregon, particularly those in the Eastern Oregon region.

Nomination forms, qualifications and a list of past winners are available on the Crystal Apple website. All nominations must be made using the online form.

This is the 15th year for the Crystal Apple program, which began with support from the former Umatilla-Morrow ESD and Mid-Columbia Bus Company. The program has grown with the ESD merger that created the InterMountain ESD in 2011 so that now education staff from the IMESD and 19 school districts in Umatilla, Morrow and Union counties can be honored with this prestigious award. This will be the third Crystal Apple Awards held in Union County.

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