District Earns Honor for Music Education

District Earns Music Honor
The Hermiston School District's commitment to music education earned it a 2014 Best Community for Music Education designation by the National Association of Music Merchants Foundation.

Hermiston School District was named a 2014 Best Community for Music Education (BCME) by the National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) Foundation.

Hermiston is one of 376 districts across the nation, and one of four within Oregon, to earn the honor. “These district and schools set the bar in offering students access to comprehensive music education,” according to Lora Bodmer, NAMM Public Relations Director.

Evaluated factors for the BCME designation include funding, staffing of highly qualified teachers, commitment to standards, and access to music instruction.

“These schools and districts make a strong commitment to music education in the core curriculum supporting its essential value to a well-rounded education for every child,” said Mary Luehrsen, NAMM Foundation executive director. “Strong, engaging programs that offer students access to music cannot thrive in a vacuum. The Best Communities designation and the SupportMusic Merit Award bring hard-won visibility to music classes, programs and departments that are keeping music education alive in our schools.”

The NAMM Foundation is a non-profit supported in part by the National Association of Music Merchants and its 9,000 members around the world. The NAMM Foundation works to advance active participation in music making across the lifespan by supporting scientific research, philanthropic giving and public service programs.

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