E. Oregon Summit to Focus on Economic Development Growth


The Eastern Oregon Women’s Coalition is hosting the second annual Eastern Oregon Economic Summit on Aug. 19-20 at Hermiston High School.

The two-day event is an opportunity for private and public sector leaders from throughout Oregon to learn about the growth and potential of Eastern Oregon’s economy. Speakers include industry experts and state and federal lawmakers.

The summit features field and industry tours, general session speakers, and breakout panels focused on federal and state legislative updates, programs, economic trends, and more.

Thursday, August 19

Field and industry tours will include explorations of water, housing, economic development, workforce, and forestry. These live tours have limited tickets available and will make stops at relevant regional sites for on-the-ground examples of the economy at work.

A dinner and reception will follow at 5 p.m. at the Hermiston Agriculture Research & Extension Center.

Friday, August 20

The general session will include updates from federal and state lawmakers, economic leaders, advocacy experts, and more. Breakout sessions are scheduled for the afternoon to cover topics including housing, water, business recruitment, transportation infrastructure, broadband access, and forestry.

For more information about the event and tours, a full agenda, tickets, and lodging information, visit www.EasternOregonSummit.com.