Echo Kiwanis Awards Scholarships to Four Echo High School Students


The Echo Kiwanis Club has awarded scholarships to four Echo High School Seniors – Katrina Morrison, Cynthia Buitron, Rachel McCarty and Tylene Skillman.

At the time of her application Morrison, who received a $2,000 scholarship, has a 4.0 grade point average and plans to attend Willamette University on her way to becoming a pediatrician. Morrison is well established as a student leader, volleyball player, member of Honor Society and holds a genuine appreciation for community service including serving as an Outdoor School Counselor. As a junior at Echo, Morrison enrolled in a college writing course and composed, for a contest, a first-place award-winning, fictional writing piece.

Buitron, who earned a $1,750 scholarship, has a nearly perfect academic record as well and a demonstrated interest in learning and growing through working well with others. Buitron intends to graduate with an associate degree from Columbia Basin Community College on her way to becoming a dental hygienist. In her application, one of Buitron’s teachers was very appreciative of how much she – the teacher – had learned to rely on the trustworthy ethic that Buitron represents as a person.

McCarty, who received a $1,500 scholarship, has excelled as a judicious, helpful, and athletic student leader in her career at Echo School and is respected as a hard-working, trusted neighbor in her rural community. McCarty has been already enrolled in several college level courses and plans to attend Walla Walla Community College in the fall. McCarty has a passion for becoming a registered nurse. She enjoys being involved with healing people and in nursing, Rachel realizes, there is always something new for her to learn.

Skillman, who received a $1,250 scholarship, is known as an inspirational, valued athletic student; friendly, honest and always willing to lend a helping hand. Skillman intends to engage in pre-veterinary studies at Unity College in Maine. After having been active in FFA and engaging in eight years of growing and showing in 4-H, Skillman leaves high school as being particularly interested in veterinary work with large animals.

Echo Kiwanis was chartered in March of 2007. The scholarship grant award program began more than 10 years ago. Graduating Echo Seniors are eligible for awards from this program and must apply to be considered. Funds have been gathered from donations offered through the generosity of local businesses and individuals. More recently, funds are also generated through net proceeds of the annual Echo OktoberFest Festival.


  1. For a small club we have managed to raise funds for many kids to attend a college or trade school. And students may continue to apply after the first year is complete. the Kiwanis club of Echo is proud that we have helped so many young people continue their education.

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