Echo Oktoberfest Set for Oct. 20


The Echo Kiwanis Club is prepping for its third annual OktoberFest on Saturday, Oct. 20 in downtown Echo.

The fun gets started at 4 p.m. with beer and brauts and other favorites as well as music by Cruise Control out of the Tri Cities.

Admission is $20. Pre-sale tickets include a $5 bonus token. Tickets are available at the event or in advance at H&P Cafe, Echo Station, Columbia Bank, Nookie’s, Hermiston Chamber of Commerce and Stanfield Market.

A mule team taxi will be available to get around town. While in town, folks are encouraged to check out Echo’s wineries and shops as well as the corn maze. Cruise Control takes the stage at 6:30 p.m.

The Echo OkotoberFest is a Kiwanis fundraiser with net proceeds going towards the St. Peters restoration seed money fund and the scholarship grant awards program for local students.

The event is financed with help from premier sponsors including H&P Cafe, Banner Bank, Echo Heritage Association, Swain Motors, Shirley Snow Family Trust and Dick Snow Muleshoe Ranch.