Education Summit Coming to Pendleton


The InterMountain Education Service District will host the sixth annual Eastern Oregon Executive Summit for regional education administrators July 28-29 at its headquarters in Pendleton.

Oregon’s chief education 0fficer, Dr. Nancy Golden, as well as the Oregon Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction Rob Saxton will attend.

Nearly 30 administrators from school districts all over Eastern Oregon are registered to attend the event, which brings them together with board members and other district office staff to hear about state education issues and how they relate to eastern Oregon school districts.

Featured speakers include Golden and Saxton, who will speak about the governor’s 40-40-20 Goal and Oregon Department of Education priorities for the coming school year, respectively. In addition, Executive Summit participants will hear from Dani Ledezma, the governor’s new education policy adviser, about the governor’s priorities in education.

The summit provides information that can be used for board and administrator retreats, and offers Eastern Oregon school executives the opportunity to kick off the school year and vet new concepts in education.

“We’re very excited to meet with state leaders in our region,” said IMESD Superintendent Dr. Mark Mulvihill. “The time of year we hold this Executive Summit – the end of July – presents a unique mutual vetting opportunity where state education leaders can bounce ideas and strategies off of our regional leaders, who can then provide important feedback. It’s really the first time during the school year that state leaders can bounce ideas off of regional leaders, and that gets to happen in Eastern Oregon.”

A total of 14 speakers will address participants of the two-day summit. Other speakers will include Craig Hawkins of the Confederation of Oregon School Administrators. who will talk about COSA’s priorities for the next year, and Brad Garrett of the Oregon School Activities Association, who will conduct a question-and-answer session with participants and provide an update on OSAA issues. Other topics will include the Eastern Promise, the new Blue Mountain Early Learning Hub, the Eastern Learning Collaborative, the Common Core Smarter Balanced test, and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math).

There’s still time for regional school administrators to register for the event. Registration and an event agenda are available online.