EOTEC Authority Board Seeks Public Input


The Eastern Oregon Trade & Event Center Authority Board will be holding public meetings April 15-17 to receive public input.

The meetings will be held at Hermiston City Hall, Umatilla County Justice Center and Milton Freewater Library. All the meetings start at 6 p.m.

The first meeting will be on Tuesday, April 15 at Hermiston City Hall, followed by Wednesday, April 16 at the Milton-Freewater Library, and Thursday, April 17 at the Umatilla County Justice Center in Pendleton.

The public can view the Master Plan Schematic Designs at the following locations: Hermiston City Hall, Stafford Hansell Building in Hermiston, Umatilla County Courthouse in Pendleton, Pendleton City Hall and the Milton-Freewater Library.

For more information, call the Eastern Oregon Trade & Event Authority at 541-289-9800.