Father-Daughter Dance Committee Postpones Ball Until May 2022

For the second straight year, the annual Me and My Prince Ball has been postponed due to the COVID pandemic. The ball is now scheduled for May 21, 2022. (Photo by Michelle Kane)

Due to continuing health and safety concerns related to the COVID pandemic, the Me and My Prince Ball Committee has decided to further postpone the 16th community father-daughter dance until May 21, 2022.

“Even in a best-case scenario where everyone was to be able to get vaccinated within a few of months, it still wouldn’t give the committee enough time to raise funds and make preparations,” said Committee Chair Michelle Kane. “Postponing the event again was a hard decision to make, but our volunteers simply do not have enough time to pull everything together so close to the event date.”

The Me and My Prince Ball will be hosted by the United Way of the Blue Mountains, a partnership that the ball and the organization established following the last dance in 2019.

“After careful consideration regarding the health, safety, and financial impact on our community over the COVID-19 virus, we feel this is the best way to proceed in the midst of such an unprecedented global situation. We are heartbroken that we must postpone this event, but we know it’s the right decision based on the information we have today,” Christy Lieuallen, executive director of United Way of the Blue Mountains said.

The event was scheduled to be held on May 15, 2021 but ball organizers concluded that postponing the event a second time was in the best interest of both the guests who attend the dance and the businesses that support it.

The ball will be held May 21, 2022, at the Eastern Oregon Trade and Event Center in Hermiston from 6 to 9 p.m. The theme will still be Tale as Old as Time, which is inspired by Disney’s movie Beauty and the Beast.

The Me and My Prince Ball is a community event with the purpose of promoting healthy girl and male role model relationships by helping to strengthen the bonds between girls of all ages their fathers or other male role models.

For more information about becoming a sponsor of the Me and My Prince Ball or questions about the United Way, contact Lieuallen at (541) 276-2661. For general information about the ball, contact Kane at (541) 564-5985.