Fire Crews Put Out Blaze Following Truck Collision on Interstate 82

No one was hurt Monday afternoon when a collision on Interstate 82 resulted in a semi-truck catching fire. (UCFD#1 photo)

No injuries were reported Monday in a collision on Interstate 82 in which a semi-truck caught fire.

Around 2:17 p.m., Umatilla County Fire District #1 was dispatched to provide mutual aid to the Umatilla Rural Fire Protection District for a vehicle fire on I-82 at milepost 1. The fire started when a semi-truck collided with a tanker truck that had been parked on the side of I-82 east.

Umatilla’s crews fought the blaze and were supplied with water from the Irrigon Fire Department’s water tender.

UCFD #1’s regional hazmat team was on the scene to clean up diesel along I-82 which was shut down for several hours.